Tuesday, December 15, 2009


For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God

rather than burnt offerings. Hosea 6:6 (NIV)


Most of us would view ourselves as pretty modern folks. Definitely New Testament types. We would think it odd (if not disgusting) to sacrifice animals to keep God happy. Yet, quite honestly, our actions are often more Old Testament than New.


We fall into the trap that "doing" stuff that God likes or is churchy makes God happy. Carry a Bible, cook at church, teach Sunday School, forward Christian email – basically do Christian jobs and activities. I have even experienced people who work at church on Sunday but do not worship God. And, when we see burnout, we know that we have the "sacrifice" cart before the "loving" horse. So too, when we become "issue" driven Christians, caring more about being right than loving God, we know we are missing something.


God differs with our thinking (and actions.) He wants us to know him – intimately. He wants a relationship. Out of a loving relationship with God, we will do all sorts of things. But, if we do all sorts of things for God, but never get to know him (sacrifice,) we miss the whole point – knowing God. Knowing God saves us. Knowing God bears fruit. Knowing God brings love, peace and joy because I have to give up control in order to fall in love.


The mercy (extreme caring for the things that God cares for – mainly people in difficult circumstances) God desires is a natural outcome of loving God. Mercy naturally flows out of loving God. The acts of charity we then do are fueled by God. Things beyond our imagination and capability and resources begin to happen. Burnout NEVER happens.


God, let me seek you and a knowledge of you before settling for being busy as a Christian.

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