Nobody believes the official spokesman...but everybody trusts an unidentified source. - Ron Nesen
Seldom does a week go by where I do not get an email forwarding some potential attack on my hard drive that is looming or a child tragically kidnapped or a scary threat out to get me. On Facebook, I observe how people order their lives (what's important or what's worth getting angry about or celebrating.) When Marshall McLuhan wrote of TV," the medium is the message," predicting the great power television would have over us, he was correct. We are shaped by TV. Our reality is shaped by it. Many if not most really believe (trust in) things like survival of the fittest, beauty is everything, luck matters more than industry, youth rules, might makes right, fame trumps character, everything must be "instant," "my child beats your child," and relieve my boredom for me at all costs. Now, I believe, the Internet is overtaking TV. It moves faster and wider.
Jesus' boat is swamped (for today) by the Internet. He claims that reality is The Kingdom of God (Heaven) and is right in front of your nose. Few will look. We have a choice to be caught up in it and live or, sooner or later, be crushed by it when our life's investment proves worthless. In The Kingdom, the meek and caring rule. In The Kingdom, looks and might don't matter – character does. In The Kingdom, there is no pecking order. In The Kingdom, service beats status, integrity beats fame, and authenticity beats expediency. Nothing is more valuable than The Kingdom.
How (where) is our investment? On whom (what) we betting our lives?