Monday, January 18, 2010


If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no

pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?

1 John 3:17 (NIV)


In this passage, splagchna (Greek) is translated pity. It literally means "bowels." I might say, "guts." The Jimbo Translation would be


If you claim to belong to Jesus and got stuff and another

Christian needs stuff, have the guts to share.


I tend towards a few things. Maybe you do too. I tend to think I don't have (enough) stuff yet I have more stuff that 90+% of the world. Funny how I only compare myself to people with MORE stuff than I. No wonder I think I am bad off and have to control and hoard my stuff. Lord, have mercy on my claim to be the center of the universe.


I tend to wonder if others truly NEED my stuff. After all, every other intersection has someone with a sign who claims to need my stuff. Why can't he/she get a job? Will probably just buy beer, anyway. I'd LOVE to help someone who really was in need. Honest. Lord, have mercy on me and my judgments.


I tend to think that I would part with my stuff if I knew it would be well stewarded. How to get stuff to the truly needy? I would, if I could. Yet so many good ways (yes, there are bad one) exist to channel my stuff to those in need without undue overhead. Lord, have mercy on me and my excuses.


I tend to favor cute, cuddly needs. Children (adults can fend for themselves – I forget who cares for all these children) are nice. Better if they look like me and don't look too pathetic. Don't make me feel guilty. Lord, forgive my prejudices.


Dear, God, may I cut the crap and spill my splagchna for others

just like you did on the Cross. Amen.

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