Sunday, September 19, 2010

Trust Me, I’m a Doctor

Dr. Pepper is using this phrase in its current advertising. My wife, Christine, works in the medical profession as a Certified Diabetic Educator. I worked at St. Luke's Hospital and have spent 25 years as a priest after getting a graduate degree. Bear in mind that neither of us is perfect. That said…


Now, here is the interesting part. Both of us are continually surprised (should we have learned by now?) that the people we serve routinely tell us in so many words (after seeking us out) that they know better and will do things their way. In most cases, a harmful way. In other words, people often believe their gut trumps the solicited advice of those with years of training and experience.


God talks about Wisdom a lot. He is the source of it. He says to listen to it. He says to embrace it. He says to learn from it. He says to be open to it. He says it will reward us. He says it is worth more than gold. He also says that to ignore it is foolishness. To ignore it will lead us to wear ourselves out. To ignore it will finally kill one long before a physical death occurs. And wisdom comes from listening to the wise. No shortcuts.


May you be open to wisdom today. May you flourish because you embrace it. May you resist knowing best when, if fact, you do not or are blinded to what's best by your feelings. May you flourish.

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