Saturday, July 9, 2011

God, You’ve Got to Be Kidding!

An American moment. A dad and his son at the ball park. Maybe a foul ball or, even, an autograph. This past week, this idyllic scene went horribly wrong. (Story here.) 


Josh Hamilton of the Texas Rangers flips a foul ball to dad Shannon Stone who falls, in an attempt to catch it, to his death in front of his son, Cooper. Sad.


A couple of things come to mind. (But I am not done reflecting on it. It's scary.)

I don't think God did this. Not as some moral lesson or because he needed an "angel." God love's us and would have taken the fall if God could. Sh*t happens. Even atoms have free will. God's word is that he will be with us in the pain and will redeem the worst.

God asks us to trust him when all Hell breaks loose. He is still at work. Those who pray, spend time with scripture and have a quiet time, in my experience, always fair better that those who run through life constantly doing everything. Ultimately, it all passes away and only God is left. Why not invest in God?

We are not in control despite what we think and we cannot shield loved ones from pain. I hate this reality but it is better to own it than be ambushed by it (you will be.) Joy comes from God from within. It is not a product of enough stuff or having things go our way.

Life is precious; why are we wasting our time being so damn busy? It is a bad investment. Period. We have choices and there is no gun to our head. Busy makes us sad souls, not enviable. Invest time as wisely as money. And that does not mean skipping or skimping on God.

In the end, life (and death) is a mystery.

Pray for Cooper, his family and Josh. I hope others will pray for me when it is my turn. It will be some day.

Be devoted to prayer. Be alert and joyfully thankful in prayer - Colossians 4:2

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. Philippians 4:11

pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit.
1 Thessalonians 5:17-19 

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