It’s the truth. We all have big but’s. But God does not.
And, if it is true that we are made in God’s image, we need to go on a but
reduction real fast.
I’m not talking butt (I will leave that up to you.) I am
talking “but.” As in, I love you BUT. I can forgive you BUT. All are welcome BUT.
Grace is free BUT. You can join us BUT. We all have some big ol’ but’s when it
comes to unconditional love.
We all have people who must earn love and acceptance. We all
have people who we believe are unforgivable. We all have people who will not embrace
because of their lifestyle.
Here’s the deal. Christ died for all sins. God made no
exceptions. Neither can we.
Get out there and trim down that but today.
Jesus is happy to be your trainer.
Who do you need to embrace?