Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Get over it

Get over it. Sunday is gone. No, there is not a weekday missing. But Sunday is fair game and the church's monopoly is over. It was a good (mostly) run. Truth is, we may have gotten stale. Sundays were to be used to form radical., creative, fearless people who loved no matter what the cost. We may have turned Sunday into a shadow of itself. We were to leave worship with so much life that it spilled over on everyone and we didn't miss a drop. Sometimes, all I can do is drop. 

Today, the coach wants Sunday. Special events want Sunday. The overworked parent who does not see the kids wants Sunday.  The single who wants to explore leisure wants Sunday. Volunteers use Sunday. Business demands Sunday. 

The Church shines best when she leads the way and is most forgettable when whining. Let's lead. Let's create a "no whine" zone (btw, tawny port is okay.) Let's turn Sunday lose and see where it goes. 

What new forms and times and venues is God drawing us to for worship and rest? There will always be a place for Sunday communal worship. But I suspect there's more.  

How are you going to truly worship without excuses? Together, we can discern what's next and actually DO IT.

Either God's calling or I ate too many jalapeƱos. I am betting it's God. I'm betting on us as well.

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