Thursday, March 4, 2010


Okay, no one much thinks about etiquette these days. It even sounds quaint. But, I think a Christian should, especially in the days of texting, email, Facebook, and voicemail. Etiquette is the very Christ-like action of thinking of others first. We are called to a higher standard – Christ. Here is what I try to use in my own life. Let me know if you have additions.


  1. Email or text only to praise or report. And do praise. No one gets enough. Save criticism and bad news (like not showing up or keeping a commitment) to a face-to-face meeting or (second best) a telephone call. Don't bail out over email or text.


  1. Not everyone uses email every day or texting at all. Know your recipient. Tailor your missives to allow for there preferences. Last minute replies may look like "no reply" to someone who does not check email everyday or who does not receive text.


  1. Answer all your email, and texts and voicemail – preferably in 24 hours. No one likes being ignored. If you do not want correspondence, let people know not to contact you. Realize that people for whom Christ died sometimes get delivered to your Junk Mail. Check it.


  1. If you have an instant visceral response, shut down your email. Wait for a cooler head. Reply as if you were replying to Christ. You are. See Matthew 25.


  1. If it was originally sent to "All," reply to "All" unless it is a most personal note to the author. No one likes to be in the dark or out of the loop.


  1. Remember, Facebook is public. If you don't want me others to know that you were playing Farmville on Sunday morning instead of being in church (among other things,) don't "Friend" them.



Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.

Philippians 2:3 (NIV)


Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. John 13:35 (NLT)

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