Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Twice a week, I get a Starbucks venti non-fat latte. It is part of my “blow” budget from Financial Peace. Standing, waiting for my beverage to be brewed, I noticed a police officer come in. For whatever reason, I have a heart for those who serve. Waiters, cops, soldiers nurses, teachers. Theirs is a demanding and often thankless, job.

I went to the register and said that I would pick up his purchase. I engaged him in a conversation. His name was Hector. He had family. Lived in Pasadena (didn’t want to work where he lived.) Hoped to be able to afford a bigger home one day. Played high school ball in Galena Park. I told him I went to “the pumpkin church.” He knew it well. He was Roman Catholic and went every week.  I thanked him for his service and we parted.

Every day, invisible people walk in and out of our life. That person is Christ, waiting to be encountered and to encounter us. These little moments, if we recognize them, are evangelism moments, times to exchange good news. Times to thank, encourage and enjoy others.

Don’t miss your moment. Make someone visible to you today. Each has a story. Each is someone for whom Christ died. Each is loved without end. Christ is waiting to see you.

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have
entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2 (NRSV)

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