Thursday, August 22, 2013

It's All About Me

Recently, scholars have strived to put together a Bible for the 21 st century. In the spirit of wikileaks, we have obtained some of the scripture and will be releasing it to the public. This translation, entitled the ME (for Modern Edition) Edition , strives to blend modern scholarship with the best self-referencing material available to create a less fussy Bible that is less prone to upset the modern reader.
Old Psalm 128:1
Happy are they all who fear the LORD, and who follow in his ways!

New ME Edition Psalm 128:1
Happy are they all who have warm feelings towards the LORD, and who tell others to follow in his ways!

Old Proverbs 14:23
Hard work is worthwhile, but empty talk will make you poor.

New ME Edition Proverbs 14:23
Hard work is, well, hard; but empty talk is, like, fun.

Yes, this is tongue-in-cheek. But is it far from the truth? We embrace the thought of being Christian but Christ calls us to be faith, too follow him.
Ask yourself...
"Do I think enough of scripture to actually read it?"
"Do I modify my actions to coincide more with Christ?"
"Do I cherry-pick the scriptures I like and jettison the rest?"
As Christians, our motto should be, "Aim high, be forgiven when short."
What can you do differently today to bring yourself more in line with your Lord and Savior?
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. Matthew 16:24

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