Monday, February 8, 2010


The book The Power of Half describes the life changes that happen when we focus on others in need. Jesus tells us that if we give up our life for others in his name, we finally get our life back.


In The Power, fourteen-year-old Hannah Salwen describes seeing a homeless man at the same time she spotted a man driving a Mercedes. She said, "Dad, if that man had a less nice car, that man there could have a meal." Acting on this urge to do something, Hannah's family decided to sell their big Atlanta home. In turn, they bought a house half the size they had and give half of the sale price to a charity. Talk about moving out of our comfort zone! They not only made a difference in on small corner of the world, they also changed the quality of their family life.


St. Andrew's is currently involved in a Year of Service, looking for ways to serve Christ in the world around them. God placed each of us here for a purpose. In fulfilling our purpose, just a Christ did, we get a life back, the one God intended for us. Sacrifice is part of it put this sacrifice pales next to the resurrected life of Christian engaged in mission.


Have you asked God (and others whom you trust and will tell you the truth) why you are here? Have you explored the gifts you have been given by God at birth as well as those given through baptism and our life experiences (especially the painful ones.) Have you seen Christ face-to-face in the challenge of fulfilling your mission? May you know life and it in abundance.

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