Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.

Proverbs 12:15 (NIV)

There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.

Proverbs 14:12 (NIV)


Claudia Feldman writes in the Houston Chronicle (April 19, 2010,) "If Catherine Musco Garcia-Prats offers advice on raising boys, listen. She's had 10 of them."


Cathy, wrote a recent book, Good Sons Don't Just Happen. She passes on the wisdom she has gleaned.


• Keep boys involved but not overinvolved.

"I think parents have totally overcommitted their children and in the process, overcommitted themselves," Cathy says. "Five-year-olds don't need activities five days a week."

• Ease up on the competition, too. It's too much pressure on the kids and their parents. "Children don't need to be the best at everything they do."

• Don't worship things. The Garcia-Pratses still have one, old TV. They keep cars until they stop running.

• Parents who want to raise competent adults should start teaching responsibility early. Kids can make their lunches, make their beds, put away their laundry, help with the dishes and — drum roll, please — learn that what they take out needs to be put back.


Are you open to wisdom or do you default to "what seems right? Do you take in wisdom and change your habits? Are you teachable? God has incredible bliss, contentment and opportunities for those who seek wisdom and employ it. God says, "You need to change but I want to help."

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