I saw a picture of Tiger Wood with his golf coach. I read an article about how Michael Jordon, one of the best if not the best basketball players ever, had a trainer. Both practiced endlessly. My mom trained me to write thank you cards to darn near everyone who showed kindness to me. Most of us train our kids to brush their teeth and use the bathroom. We carpool our kids to soccer practice, piano lessons, and crack-of-dawn swim practice. I went to school for 19 years. Training.
Okay, now, do you have a trainer for Eternity? Most of us, unless we take up tennis or golf or a hobby do not seek a trainer. In fact, most of us probably would admit we do not want any more training. Life needs strategies aimed at Eternity because life never follows a playbook. The playoffs, a medal, a trophy, a degree, a wedding, even a family we train for. After that, we often drift. That "drift" time, however, includes most of life and all of Eternity.
I pray you have a coach in things spiritual. A coach to re-aim your life towards the eternal. That coach can be a person or a group, as long as he/she/they can tell you the truth and you listen and act on it, just like in the case of a sports coach. We need a coach. Friends and family seldom coach. They have an agenda for our life but it usually is not Eternity. Coaches have one agenda – to get us to our goal. If you care about Eternity, you will need a coach. Independent agents, those who feel they do not need a coach, often end up in places they did not desire. A coach will get you there. Where do you want to go?
Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather,
train yourself to be godly.
For physical training is of some value, but
godliness has value for all things,
holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:7-9 NIV)
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